Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Money for Metals - Tip #2

I have been getting some great feedback on my first Money for Metals tip, about returning cans and bottles, so it is now time for another tip! This tip actually comes from one of my good friends who has been doing it for years. What he does is collect lost coins off the ground. I know it sounds simple, but I have seen him in action and he usually gets $15-$20 a month (almost enough for an ounce of silver).

The beauty of this is that he doesn't go out of him way to do this and simply finds the coins when going about his day-to-day life. So for no investment (money or time) he gets free money that other people have dropped and most people walk right by!

I asked him if he had any tips for my readers and he gave these three secrets:
  1. Look down! - most importantly you have to be looking at the ground to spot the coins!
  2. Don't be afraid! - Don't be shy, pick up that coin! It may just be a penny, but every penny counts.
  3. Some places are better! - parking lots are gold mines! When people take out their keys or get out of their car they often accidentally drop coins. Also, people are usually in such a hurry they don't bother picking them up. On the other hand, downtown in large cities is usually bad because there are homeless people who look for coins and will likely beat you to the coins.
So here is my plan - I am going to try this out. I will write some updates to the blog when I get to various milestones ($1, $5, $10, $20, etc) so you can see how long it takes me. Let me know if you do this and how it works for you!

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