Thursday, September 24, 2009

Aftermarket Silver Maple Leaf Coins

I consider a set of silver maple leaf coins to only contain those produced at the Royal Canadian Mint, as I expect all collectors do. However, there are a number of coins out there (especially on eBay!) that are aftermarket. What do I mean by aftermarket? I mean they take regular issue silver maple leaf coins and alter them in some way. The most common way is painting the coins with some sort of logo, but some even go so far as to add their own privy marks. All in all, I suggest to stay away from these coins, since they are usually ruin the value of the silver coin (so it is only worth the value of the silver). Here are some known aftermarkets (but generally, if it is not on my silver maple leaf collection list it is an unauthorized coin):

I have been getting this question alot: "But I find the aftermarket coin looks nice, so why not buy it?". Well, the reason is that the sellers tout these coins are extreme rarities and often try and trick people into paying an outrageous amount for them. In fact, these coins are the equivalent of you taking a knife and carving your initials into a coin. Both might be "rare", but both are homemade and ultimately make the coin scrap metal.

Aftermarket Privy Marks:
  • Year 2000 Privy - y2k with the "2k" next to each other and the "y" on top of the "2"
  • Pierre Trudeau Privy
Aftermarket Painting:

  • Support Our Troops - Maple leaf painted red, with a yellow ribbon that has "Support Our Troops - Appuyons nos troupes". COA issued by Top of the Line Enterprises of Canada.
  • Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon - Maple leaf painted green, with a pink ribbon. COA issued by Universal Coins of Ottawa, Canada.
  • Colorized Four Seasons - A four coin set, where the maples on each coin are a different colour (light green, dark green, orange, blue)
  • Playing Card Symbols - A four coin set with the four playing card suits painted on as privy marks.
As always, if we are missing anything let us know!

1 comment:

  1. fabulous 12 are produced in cooperation with the canadian mint and come in the RCM plastic sleeve so they count as regular issue with privy not aftermarket..
